How do I become happy with ME?  The summary of my discoveries as they come.  Never complete. Ever changing.

In my life I managed very early on to convince myself that I was inadequate - that I needed fixing, or at the very least improving.  I started, sometimes consciously, reading about , observing and learning all about the kind of people I thought I 'should' be.  I began modeling myself after these people and philosophies, using those blogs, articles and books to burry the inadequate me.  Now, in my twenties, I am coming to see just how incredible I am.  The fabricated me can't do anything right, but the real ME can do just about everything well.  I have started to excavate ME, hoping I can be restored. 

In order to do so, I have had to internalize this list of truths about myself, one at a time :
As I continue to uncover ME this list continues to grow and change.

1. I am a good person. 
    a. I have value. 
    b. I have done good things all throughout my life, in every aspect.

2. I am loved for me.

3. I can love me.

4. I deserve to be happy.
    a. I deserve to do things that make me happy.


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