

Here are some of the things I tell my self when I feel I am losing control.

*Take time to cool off - occupy the kids (TV is better than screaming and yelling) and go into a separate room and do something that relaxes you.  Remind yourself of the basic truths you've learned.

*Discard all my ambitions and plans for the day - I now have no plans and nothing to stress me out.

*"I will only do what I can do, and then I will stop" - I will respect my natural abilities and the body and mind I have been given.  I will not pretend that I am someone else with someone else's assets.  I will not begrudge God for giving me less than I need to accomplish my work.  Rather, I will trust that He has given me good gifts which are exactly what I need for the jobs He intended for me to do and the lessons He intended me to learn.
*I will ask for help because help is not degrading.  Weaknesses are not failures.  Weaknesses are human and God given.

*When I am having trouble figuring out how to operate the mind, emotions or body God gave me I will turn to the Owner for troubleshooting and instructions.

*I will praise myself profusely for the successes in my life - even the little ones.

*My family members are more important than social conventions i.e. being on time, being appropriately dressed, saying the right thing, etc.  This are important skills which must be learned, but not at the expense of my relationship with my children.

*I will never please everyone.  In fact, I will probably never 100% please anyone.  So, I will stop trying.  The only exceptions, of course, being God and myself.

*It is NOT my job to fix people.  It is not my job to fix my spouse, my children, my neighbors, my siblings or my friends and it is certainly not my job to fix myself.  Not only is it not my job, but I am not even capable of doing these things in the first place.  Furthermore, they/I are not generally in need of fixing in the way I see.  God will fix me and fix them in the way He sees fit, but that is none of my business and it is not my job.

*This is my job: Love everyone.  Live the way I know is right.  Invite others to do the same.



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**DISCLAIMER: Seeing as I am not God, nor am I a prophet of any kind I am not actually a source of absolute truth.  I have found these to be true.  However, as my understanding continues to deepen these will, of course, be subject to change.

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